Akku FÜR Philips LI202S-6600,PHILIPS VS2/VM4/VM6/VM8/VM3,VS3,V24E
Qualität steht bei uns an erster Stelle! Alle Ersatz für Philips LI202S-6600 laptop akku mit hoher Qualität.
http://www.akkufurpc.de/laptop-akku/philips-LI202S-6600-179213.html✓ 100% kompatibel und passgenau zu dem Original-Akku.
✓ ohne Memory-Effekt
✓ CE-zertifiziert mit eingebautem Kurzschluß, Überladungs- und Überhitzungsschutz, also maximale Sicherheit ohne Gefahr von Explsionen o.ä.
Zu Den Folgenden Modellen Verwenden:
Philips LI202S-6600 Kompatibel Mit:
SureSigns VS2 VS3 VM4 VM6 VM8 Monitor
Philips LI202S-6600 Batterie per Pc Portatili>> bateria do laptopa Philips LI202S-6600 >> Philips LI202S-6600 batería ordenador portáti>> laptop akku Für Philips LI202S-6600
Shopping with us is safe and secure. None of our customers have ever reported fraudulent use of their credit cards as a result of shopping with us.When you purchase Philips LI202S-6600 batteries from us, You can be assured that the information you give us is confidential. We do not sell, rent or share information of our customers with other parties.
The lifespan of a Philips LI202S-6600 batteries will vary considerably with how it is used, how it is maintained and charged, temperature, and other factors.
All batteries, include Philips LI202S-6600 batteries, regardless of their chemistry, self-discharge. The rate of self-discharge depends both on the type of laptop battery and the storage temperature the batteries are exposed to. However, for a good estimate, wet flooded deep cycle laptop batteries self-discharge approximately 4% per week at 80°F.